The Sustaining Theatre and Dance (STAND) Foundation is thrilled to unveil its latest endeavor, the STAND Playreading Initiative. This unique project is designed to facilitate cultural and artistic exchange by inviting playwrights from the Global South to submit their plays for consideration in our playreading festival and workshops, scheduled to take place in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The primary objective of the STAND Playreading Initiative is to feature three outstanding plays written by Global South playwrights. These selected plays will be meticulously prepared and read by talented South African directors and actors. Furthermore, participating Global South playwrights will be invited to lead online workshops, sharing insights into their writing process, discussing thematic and structural influences, and providing guidance to emerging South African playwrights.
The STAND Foundation project is made possible by the support of the South African National Arts Council, which has made this project possible.
Detailed Submission Criteria:
- One play per writer
- Writers must be 18 years or older
- Full-length plays (minimum 50 pages)
- Maximum of five characters; no monologues
- Only original works for theatre (no screenplays, novels, poetry collections, radio plays, or adaptations)
- Plays must be in English or a translated version
- Submissions directly from the living writer (not through agents or advocates)
- Both produced and unproduced works accepted
- Collective or co-authored works accepted with full permission from all authors
Open to all playwrights from Global South countries.
Click here for full list of countries – https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/global-south-countries
Submission Deadline: January 10, 2024, at 17:00
How to Submit:
Email your play with name, surname, country of residence, email address, contact details, and proof of identification to ntombi@standfoundation.org.za.
Your script undergoes an initial read by our team. If selected, you will be formally informed of your play’s participation.
Your play will be featured in the playreading festival, open to the public and attended by a group of young playwrights engaged in the workshop process.
Respond to all submissions will be made by January 22, 2024.
For questions or further information, please contact ntombi@standfoundation.org.za.
About STAND Foundation
The Sustaining Theatre and Dance Foundation (STAND) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to nurturing, promoting, and celebrating contemporary South African dance and theatre. Our mission includes developing a vision for the dance and theatre ecosystems, raising funds, managing databases, conducting research, building capacity, promoting critical discourse, engaging in advocacy efforts, and supporting initiatives for the well-being of practitioners in the sector.